By Zack Edwards
November 22, 2023

A step-by-step guide to creating an investor pitch deck

Master investor pitch deck creation with this step-by-step guide. Learn to effectively convey your business vision and attract potential investors.

Mastering your investor pitch deck presentation : A full guide for enterpreneurs.

Creating an impactful pitch deck is crucial when you’re raising funds for your business. A compelling deck not only captures the attention of potential investors but also initiates meaningful discussions about your venture, potentially leading to investments. Here’s a guide to crafting an effective pitch deck and what slides you need to include in your pitch presentation:

Vision and value proposition:

Begin with a succinct one-sentence summary of your business, akin to a tweet, that is easily understandable. This should encapsulate the essence of your business and the unique value it offers to customers. Use comparisons wisely if drawing parallels to well-known companies, ensuring they accurately reflect your business model.

The problem:

Address the problem your business solves. Describe who faces this problem and briefly mention existing solutions, setting the stage for your solution. Engaging stories or examples that illustrate the problem can enhance understanding and relatability.

Target market and opportunity:

Define your ideal customer and the market size. Detail how you position your company within this market and the potential scope. Be specific about market segments and avoid overestimating the market size to maintain credibility.

The solution:

Now introduce your product or service. Explain how it solves the problem you’ve identified, using visuals and narratives for greater impact. Resist the urge to lead with this slide; a build-up of the problem first creates a more compelling narrative.

Revenue or business model:

Discuss how your business generates revenue. Explain your pricing strategy and who pays for your services or products. Compare your model to the competitive landscape and clarify whether you’re a premium or budget offering.

Traction and validation/roadmap:

If you have sales, early adopters, or any proof of concept, highlight it here. Show your achieved milestones and future plans with a roadmap. Demonstrated traction can significantly reduce perceived investment risks.

Marketing and sales strategy:

Outline how you’ll capture customer attention and your sales approach. Detail the tactics for reaching your target market and the sales channels you’ll utilize. Highlight any unique aspects of your strategy compared to competitors.


Showcase why your team is uniquely qualified to grow this business. Highlight key members, their past successes, and their specific expertise. If your team is not yet complete, identify the critical roles still needed.


Present key financial projections including sales forecasts, profit and loss statements, and cash flow. Use easy-to-understand charts and be ready to discuss the assumptions behind your projections. Aim for realism over overly optimistic “hockey stick” growth patterns.


Every business has competitors. Explain your place in the competitive landscape, your differentiators, and why customers will choose you. Understanding your unique advantages or “secret sauce” is crucial.

Investment and use of funds:

State the amount of funding you’re seeking and explain how it will be utilized. If you have existing investors, mention them and their reasons for investing.

Additional slides for consideration:

  • Exit Strategy: Outline potential acquisition targets or IPO plans.
  • Partnerships: Highlight any critical partnerships crucial for success.
  • Product Demos/Screenshots: Show your product in action if applicable.
  • Other Documentation: Be prepared with detailed financial models, technical documentation, and market research for post-presentation discussions.

Pitch presentation tips:

  • Keep it simple and avoid clutter.
  • Use visuals and storytelling over bullet points.
  • Ensure your presentation is concise, leaving room for questions and discussions.
  • Base market opportunities on realistic forecasts.
  • Always include a clear funding request and its justification.
  • Regularly update your deck to reflect current progress.
  • Provide your deck in PDF format to maintain formatting and style.
  • Your deck should be comprehensive enough to stand alone.

Forbes – A Guide to Investor Pitch Decks for Startup Fundraising: 

Forbes provides a general overview of what constitutes a pitch deck. Typically consisting of 15-20 slides in a PowerPoint presentation, a pitch deck is intended to showcase a company’s products, technology, and team to investors.

Expert pitch deck design creation services

In addition to the guidelines provided, our team offers specialized services in pitch deck creation to elevate your fundraising journey. We understand that crafting a compelling pitch deck can be a daunting task, especially when you’re focused on growing your business. This is where our expertise comes into play. Our team of experienced professionals is adept at translating your business vision into a persuasive and visually appealing pitch deck.

We work closely with you to understand your unique value proposition, market potential, and business model. Our service includes crafting impactful narratives, designing professional and engaging slides, and ensuring your deck is tailored to captivate potential investors. From concept to completion, we provide comprehensive support to ensure your pitch deck not only resonates with your target audience but also stands out in the competitive market. Let us help you make your funding aspirations a reality with a pitch deck that speaks volumes about your business’s potential.

If you’re looking for a pitch deck presentation design service then? Talk to our expert team today! We’d love to offer some help and advice to help you make your pitch presentation stand out.

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