By Zack Edwards
May 25, 2024

How many slides should I have in my PowerPoint presentation?

You are preparing your next presentation and don’t know how many slides you can include, this blog is the answer to your problem.

Creating a PowerPoint presentation is like telling a story. You want it to be just right—not too long or too short. So, how many slides should you have? Let’s find out!

Why the Number of Slides Matters

The number of slides in a PowerPoint is crucial for keeping your audience’s attention and delivering your message effectively. While there’s no perfect answer, it’s important to balance providing enough information without overwhelming your audience.

Key Points to Consider

  • Engagement: Too few slides might be boring, but too many slides can be confusing.
  • Clarity: Each slide should focus on one idea to make it clear. 
  • Structure: The number of slides should match the structure of your presentation and guide your audience through your content.

Finding the Right Number of Slides

The best number of slides depends on the topic, the attention span of your audience, and the goal of your presentation. Here are some tips to help you decide:

Content Relevance

Ensure each slide adds something important to your presentation.

Audience Engagement

Keep your audience interested using pictures, visuals, graphs, and videos to break up the text.

Delivery Time

Consider how much time you have to present and adjust the number of slides accordingly.

The Rule of Thumb

A good rule is to talk for 1-2 minutes per slide. This means you’d have 10-15 slides for a 10-15 minute presentation. But it depends on what you’re talking about and who you’re talking to.

Things to Consider

Before deciding how many slides to use, think about:

  • Purpose: Are you trying to convince someone or teach them something?
  • Audience: Are you talking to kids or adults?
  • Content: Is it simple or complicated?

How Many Slides for Different Presentations?

Here are some examples:

  • Sales Pitch: If you’re trying to convince someone, like in a sales pitch, you might have 5-7 slides.
  • Training Session: If you’re teaching someone something, like in a training session, you might have 10-15 slides.
  • Conference: If you’re giving a big talk, like at a conference, you might have 15-20 slides.

Tips to Keep Your Audience Interested

  • Keep it short and sweet, like 1-2 minutes per slide.
  • Use pictures and graphs to help explain things.
  • Don’t overdo it with fancy animations and transitions.
  • Practice your presentation so you can talk smoothly and confidently.

Key Points for Great Presentations

  • Slide Count Complexity: Finding the right number of slides is more than just about time. Focus on keeping the audience interested.
  • Useful Slides: Slides should enhance your presentation, not just repeat what you say. Ensure your slides are helpful and important for the audience.
  • Ending Your Presentation: Sum up all the important points in one slide to remind everyone. Finish with a strong message to leave a lasting impression.
  • Avoiding Bad Advice: Avoid generic rules that might not work for your presentation. Make your presentation unique by doing it your way.

Sample PowerPoint Presentation

Here’s a sample PowerPoint presentation with 10 slides:

  1. Title Slide
  2. Introduction
  3. Problem Statement
  4. Solution Overview
  5. Key Features
  6. Benefits
  7. Case Study
  8. Results
  9. Conclusion
  10. Call-to-Action


To wrap it up, the ideal number of slides in a PowerPoint presentation depends on the purpose, audience, and content. While there’s no perfect answer, following these tips can help you create engaging and effective presentations. Remember to keep it simple, clear, and interesting. As presentation expert Garr Reynolds says, “The goal is to make the audience feel like they’re having a conversation with you, not like they’re being read to.”

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